June 11, 2024

Promoting Academic Cooperation between the Faculty of Medicine of Panama University and the Faculty of Medicine of Chiba University


During his visit to Panama in May this year, Dr. Ritter Diaz, Representative Director of JAPOLAC, held a meeting with Dr. Oris Calvo, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine at Panama University, and her team to discuss the possibility of academic collaboration with the Faculty of Medicine at Chiba University.

Dr. Calvo expressed keen interest in establishing academic cooperation with Chiba University in various medical fields. In this regard, Dr. Diaz agreed to facilitate the introduction to relevant contacts at the Faculty of Medicine at Chiba University to initiate discussions on potential areas of collaboration between both medical schools.

One of the primary objectives of JAPOLAC is to promote academic collaboration between Japanese universities and those in Latin America and the Caribbean. Through initiatives like this, JAPOLAC plays an important role in advancing academic cooperation, fostering exchanges of knowledge, and facilitating research partnerships that benefit both regions.